1. Scriptures
We believe that the Bible is the verbally plenarily inspired, inerrant Word of God and that it is the final authority for all matters of faith and practice.
(II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:20-21, Mark 13:31)
2. God
We believe in the unity of the Godhead; one God eternally existing in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that each member of the Godhead is equal in power, rank, authority, and purpose.
(Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 26:19, I Corinthians 8:6, Matthew 28:19, I John 5:7, II Corinthians 13:14)
3. Jesus Christ
We believe in the absolute deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (that He is God and not a god); in His virgin birth, His perfect humanity, His bodily resurrection and ascension into Heaven, and in His present ministry there for us as High Priest and advocate; in that blessed hope, the personal imminent, pre-tribulational, pre-millennial return of our Lord in the air for His saints.
(John 1:1, Matthew 1:18, John 1:14, II Corinthians 5:21, I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 1:7, Titus 2:11-14)
4. Holy Spirit
We believe in the person and work of the Holy Spirit, equal with the Father and the Son and of the same substance and nature. He convicts men of sin, regenerates the believer at salvation and indwells him at conversion. He intercedes for, comforts, and empowers the believer.
(John 15:16-17, John 16:8-11, Romans 8:16, Ephesians 1:13, I John 4:13, Titus 3:5, Acts 1:8)
5. The Father
We believe in the Father who caused all things to exist, Who has put all things under the rule of Christ Jesus (except himself) until all Scripture is fulfilled when Christ Jesus shall return that authority to the Father.
(I Corinthians 15:23-28, Philippians 2:9-11, John 14)
6. Salvation
We believe that man was created by God in His own image, but fell through sin. Fallen man is condemned to physical and spiritual death as a result of sin. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of Salvation and that His finished work at Calvary provides the way of salvation to those that are lost. We believe in Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus alone, and that this salvation is a gift totally unmerited and free. We believe that once a person is saved, they are eternally secure.
(John 3:7, John 1:12, Romans 10:9-13, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 10:28, John 3:16, John 10:28, Romans 8:38-39)
7. The Church
We believe in the Church: a living, spiritual body of which Christ is the head and of which regenerated people are members. We believe that the local church is an organized body of believers. The purpose and practices of the church are defined in God's Word. The church has the right of self-government under the direction of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God.
(Acts 2:41-42, Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22-23)
8. Ordinances
We believe that there are two ordinances delivered to the church: Baptism and The Lord's Supper. Baptism is the immersion of the believer in water, and symbolizes our identification with Christ in His substitutionary death, burial and resurrection. The Lord's Supper is the church's commemoration of the Lord's death until He comes. Neither ordinance is efficacious, but symbolic.
(Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 6:3-5, Acts 8:38, I Corinthians 11:23-32)
9. End Times
We believe that Jesus Christ himself will soon come again to catch His bride, The Church away to Heaven. The unbelievers that are left behind will go through a period called the tribulation, after which Christ will return to establish His Kingdom upon the earth for 1000 years. After the consummation of the Kingdom period, unbelievers of all the ages will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment to be cast into the Lake of Fire to be separated from God forever, while the believers will spend eternity in the joys and bliss of Heaven with the Lord forever.
(Matthew 24:29-42, I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 19:11-20:14)